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K子の音楽室 Keiko's Music Room:本校舎 HeadquartersWEB校舎 Web Satellite


 The site on music and education for human produced by a pianist who has children, Keiko Hishida. (Now, transferring due to provider closure.)

命の乗換駅 The Life Station


 The site produces discussions on health, lifespan and human life, which is produced by Doctores, Medical checkup staff, Hearing Researchers and so on. (Now on construction)

大学講義手帳 University Lecture Note


 The Mini university lecture site by Prof. Hishida's. Students need to log-in to read the report assignment. (Now, on construction)

人間工学研究室 human engineering laboratory


 The site is produced by students belonging to human engineering laboratory in Kogakuin University. You can see the previous the summary of graduation research, ear age test, dice personality test, and so on. (Now on construction)

日本人旅行客の為のゴールドコースト案内 Gold Coast guide for Japanese tourist


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